Golf + social networking = Koobflog
What's in a name? Nothing, really, said Anthony Westrup, co-founder of a new golf social networking site called Koobflog (golfbook spelled backwards).

"The name we didn't really think was that important," he said, explaining that the right mix of content was of substantially greater importance and would render the name immaterial.
Koobflog is attempting to bring golfers together on an all-encompassing user-driven social network website. "As social media and Facebook got bigger and bigger, we thought there was an opportunity for a niche marketing and social media website," Westrup said. "We thought golf was more of a lifestyle and that it had enough peripherals with the sport itself -- courses, online reservations, apparel -- that there was a place where all that could be combined."
Koobgolf employs GolfNow's booking engine for online tee time reservations. Meanwhile, it also has blogs, golf tips, forums, and more to come, possibly even ticket sales for golf tournaments.
"We're really in our infancy," Westrup said. "One of the things we'd like to see happen is that it become a user-driven website, talking about, say, what's going on on tour or anything related to golf and the golfer."
As for the name, "if you just try to find a dot-com with the word golf in it it's tough to find a domain name," Westrup said, noting that they're either already taken by a business or are owned by an individual hoping to sell it.
Hence, Koobflog, golf spelled backwards.
-- John Strege