With Gareth Bale back in the Premier League, Tottenham Hotspur’s secret putting green is suddenly the talk of the town

Tottenham Hotspur FC
If you had fallen away from the Premier League in the years since your collegiate FIFA heyday and happened to flip over to NBC Peacock on Sunday afternoon, you were in for quite a shock. There was Gareth Bale, wheeling away from goal in Tottenham Hotspur lilywhite, celebrating a dramatic winner just like it was 2012 all over again. But it wasn’t deja vu or a DeLorean that got us here. Seven years after his world-record transfer from Spurs to Real Madrid, Bale is back in North London, helping to propel Spurs to third in the table and reuniting with the one thing he’s missed the most about life in the UK capital:
Tottenham Hotspur’s pristine training facility putting green.

While the putting green was originally built with Hotspur Way—Tottenham’s state-of-the-art soccer complex—Bale decided to have a little fun with youngster Sergio Reguillon, who also made the move to Tottenham this summer, telling him the green (and apparent short course) were designed specifically for him. “Reggie” as he is known to the Spanish pronunciation-challenged world, promptly turned around and gave that false scoop to reporters, saying, “What did surprise me is that they’ve created golf holes for him [Bale] at the training centre. They are only short holes but I couldn’t believe it.”
Poor kid, he’s never going to hear the end of this one.
Luckily for Bale, the golf facilities didn’t fall into disrepair in his absence thanks in large part to Tottenham striker and England captain Harry Kane, who was also bitten right on the jugular by the golf bug. Needless to say, things in North London are about to get just as competitive on the putting surface as they are on the pitch.