The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)

    Pin Hunting

    Donald Trump fires dart to four feet at Bedminster as campaign surges in GOP polls

    July 31, 2023

    Donald Trump is eyeballs deep in a heated Republican primary race. He’s the subject of multiple federal indictments. He can’t go anywhere without getting a middle finger or a high five. Yet Trump, at least on the surface, doesn’t have a care in the world. How does he deal with the pressure of being the most divisive man in America? Apparently with a little help from his trusty 9-iron.

    That’s a video of 77-year-old Trump firing a dart from 139 yards at Trump Bedminster this weekend. Trump posted the clip to his own Instagram on Sunday, hours after reports of the Ron DeSantis campaign scrambling for the reset button surfaced. The 9-iron approach is sandwiched between photos from his jam-packed Erie, Pa., rally and a video dunking on DeSantis. The last solely golf-related post on his Instagram feed is from December 29th … 2020. In other words, he knew exactly what he was doing and when he was doing it.

    Love him or loathe him, you have to admit the timing (a New York Times/Siena poll that shows Trump crushing his GOP competition was released early Monday) seems conveinent. So was this a carefully-coordinated salvo by a political firebrand or an innocent approach shot from a senior citizen? We'll let you decide. That's the beauty of democracy after all.