After nearly 20 years, golf's most-wanted fugitive finally arrested for the murder of another caddie

A man wanted for the murder of a fellow caddie in 1996 has been apprehended by authorities and will finally face charges, according to The (Westchester, N.Y.) Journal News.
Michael Cousins, 48, is expected to be in a suburban New York courtroom on Monday, the report says. Cousins had been pursued for nearly two decades following the murder of Jason Campbell in 1996.
On the most-wanted criminals list for both Westchester and Toronto, Cousins also been featured on the popular TV show "America's Most Wanted." Cousins was arrested in Jamaica last month by the Jamaica Constabulary Force Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Fugitive Apprehension Team (Say that 10 times fast), and brought back to the United States by the FBI.
According to authorities, Cousins was working at Pelham (N.Y.) Country Club when he got into a fight with Campbell outside the pro shop that ended with Cousins stabbing Campbell. He fled the scene and the murder weapon was later found in some nearby bushes across the street from the course. Cousins, originally from Jamaica, has been a fugitive ever since, using numerous aliases.
(Photo: The Journal News)