A heated waterproof golf jacket just in time for winter
By John Strege
For those who live in parts of the country that require they play in cold, wet conditions through the winter, Mobile Warming Gear is here to help. It has introduced a collection of waterproof, heated outerwear designed for golf.
The jackets are made of a lightweight, breathable, waterproof fabric and feature a rechargable 7.4-volt lithium battery, "about half the size of a cell phone," Keith Apple, general manager golf for Mobile Warming Gear said. The battery pack can be adjusted from 90 degrees to 130 degrees. At the lower setting, the battery will last 10 hours before it requires re-charging.
The idea for the jacket came from Apple's son-in-law Joe Lusardi, an assistant pro at Locust Hill Country Club outside Rochester, N.Y.
"When I started working for this company that made heated jackets, I was in the ski industry," Apple said. "I was giving my son-in-law heated vests made for skiing. He said, 'this may work in golf.' I said, 'what would I have to do?'"
Lusardi and a few friends suggested lowering the collar and using lightweight-material stretch panels under the arm pits. The jacket has received approval from the USGA.
"The jacket is totally breathable," Apple said, "and the membrane is similar to Gore-Tex. It's 100 percent waterproof and has a waterproof zipper."
It comes in men's and women's styles, $200 for the jacket, $160 for a vest.