9 fascinating GIFs of Ben Crane doing strange things
As part of our brand new video channel, Golf Digest and Conde Nast Entertainment paired with Ben Crane to produce a series of soon-to-be released videos, "#GolfSecrets with Ben Crane." The trailer was released on Wednesday, and it featured Ben Crane in his signature helmet, goggles and red jumpsuit doing some rather interesting things. . .
Like when he looked strangely satisfied with the sunshine.
__[#image: /photos/55ad77d7b01eefe207f6d44e]|||blog-ben-crane-2-480.gif|||We feel for you, man.
__[#image: /photos/55ad77d7b01eefe207f6d44c]|||blog-ben-crane-4-480.gif|||And slightly scary.
[#image: /photos/55ad77d8b01eefe207f6d45d]|||blog-ben-crane-8-480.gif|||After all that, he found time to beat-up a pool noodle.
[#image: /photos/55ad77d8add713143b428552]|||blog-ben-crane-5-480.gif|||And show off his mad skills.
[#image: /photos/55ad77d7add713143b42854c]|||blog-ben-crane-7-480.gif|||And, of course, dance like some kind of angry chicken.
__[#image: /photos/55ad77d8add713143b428559]|||blog-ben-crane-9-480.gif|||Here's the full video: