Hot List
Best Mallet Putters: Look / Sound / Feel
The best clubs in each category of the Hot List reflect excellence across an array of criteria. For Look/Sound/Feel in mallet putters, our judges evaluate how testers respond to the sensations of using the clubs. Although sound is often equated to feel, our 32 testers understand that what they hear isn’t always representative of the feedback. They also know what they prefer to see at address. Essentially, the Look score is a scale of a player’s enthusiasm to use the putter. Sound and Feel reflect how much the player receives sufficient and ideal feedback for center and off-center strikes. In our process, the ideas of Look/Sound/Feel are intangibles, things you know beyond any regimented way of quantifying. Here you’ll see how our players evaluated mallets based on each player’s interpretation of Look/Sound/Feel, with each putter earning a minimum score of 4.5 stars. Note: The star rating is for the collection of models under a specific family (e.g., Ai-One family, Studio Style family).