1. Get A Hybrid
"Better players are doing themselves an injustice if they don't have at least one hybrid in their bag, since this group of products is so good this year. For mid- to high-handicappers, adding a few hybrids is a no brainer."--Krista Dunton, Hot List tester, Senior Instructor at Berkeley Hall Club in Hilton Head.
2. Secret Weapons Exist
"Super Game Improvement irons aren't just for grandpa anymore. The most consistent Hot List category did nearly everything well. Hiding the technology behind the ultra-forgiving clubheads tricked me into thinking I was hitting a players iron, and the forgiveness and accuracy had me thinking, for a moment, that I had a +2 handicap. (Sigh.) Give these clubs a chance."--Jeff Blind, Hot List tester, 10.3 handicap
3. Try Different Brands
"I can't help but feel bad for the golfer who practices brand loyalty. It's a huge disservice. I used to be 'that guy' who had a bag full of one brand. Thankfully, I figured out that I was cheating myself of playing with equipment that works for me. In just about every category during the Hot List Summit, my favorite clubs were from a myriad of companies. And in every category, I could have easily put clubs from two or three different manufacturers in my bag."--Jason Musser, Hot List tester, 2.6 handicap
4. The Anser Putter will never die
"The Ping Anser putter is the most imitated golf product in the history of the game."--Stina Sternberg, Senior Editor, Golf Digest; Hot List Judge
5. Give forgiving irons a chance
"Unless you're practicing eight hours a day, you have no business hitting blades. Golfers, put your ego aside. There are way too many good game improvement irons this year that will help you have more fun and play better. Isn't that what the game all about?"--Ricky Brown, Hot List tester, +1 handicap
6. Clubs Are Getting Better
"The gap between best and worst clubs we test at the Hot List Summit is becoming smaller. More and more manufacturers are putting out solid, quality products. This is true across product lines, from drivers to fairway woods to irons. (Oh, and did I mention there was more great product at the Summit this year than ever before?)"--Tom Allen, Hot List tester, 9.5 handicap
7. The GC2 could change your game
"There were (literally) a ton of products at the Hot List Summit, but the one that might have been the best combination of ease of use and effectiveness might have been the GC2 launch monitor from Foresight Sports. The device sets up in seconds and when matched with a clubfitting software package easily lets you compare one product vs. another. Word is these relatively inexpensive devices are cropping up everywhere, and since they easily fit in the apparel pocket of a tour-sized staff bag, top players are purchasing them, too. Rickie Fowler is the latest owner, tweeting last week: 'Getting in some testing with my boy Grant from @ForesightSports & my new GC2 launch monitor...crazy how accurate it is.'"--Mike Stachura, Senior Equipment Editor, Golf Digest; Hot List Judge
8. Spend Time Testing Different Clubs
"If you're in the market to improve your short game, don't "short-change" yourself. Invest the time to test different wedges from various conditions and give each putter an opportunity to showcase its hidden talents, even if it doesn't initially catch your eye."--Kevin Chang, Hot List tester, 11.5 handicap
9. Technology in 3-woods is becoming driver-like
"A number of the 3-woods we hit this year felt like driver alternatives. Some are getting larger than others and have fairly deep faces, harkening back to the 260cc drivers of yesteryear, but with the confidence and control that comes with a 3-wood. Add adjustability, and a lot of golfers might benefit from teeing up with a monster-hitting custom-adjusted 3-wood that actually goes straight."--Dan Grattan, Hot List tester, 8.4 handicap
10. Humans Are Better Than Robots
"Certain testers require a tape recorder because they have so much to say. Has a robot ever given you such feedback? No."--Mike Johnson, Senior Equipment Editor, Golf World; Hot List Judge