Best golf courses near Irvine, CA
Below, you’ll find a list of courses near Irvine, CA. There are 54 courses within a 15-mile radius of Irvine, 30 of which are public courses and 24 are private courses. There are 42 18-hole courses and 12 nine-hole layouts.
The above has been curated through Golf Digest’s Places to Play course database, where we have collected star ratings and reviews from our 1,900 course-ranking panelists. Join our community by signing up for Golf Digest+ and rate the courses you’ve visited recently.

Opening in 2002, Shady Canyon is a Tom Fazio design in Irvine, just south of Los Angeles. Fazio said his “ultimate goal is to have it appear as if nothing has been done, that the layout is completely natural.” At Shady Canyon, the course weaves through the canyon, with native brush and streams lining many holes, giving the layout the natural feel that Fazio strived for. Many of the greens have a significant amount of slope, often creating numerous distinct sections. If you’re not on the proper section, you’ll face a difficult two-putt.
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Opening in 2002, Shady Canyon is a Tom Fazio design in Irvine, just south of Los Angeles. Fazio said his “ultimate goal is to have it appear as if nothing has been done, that the layout is completely natural.” At Shady Canyon, the course weaves through the canyon, with native brush and streams lining many holes, giving the layout the natural feel that Fazio strived for. Many of the greens have a significant amount of slope, often creating numerous distinct sections. If you’re not on the proper section, you’ll face a difficult two-putt.
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